Kanye explains to his fans on Twitter why he cancelled his Today Show performance
Kanye West recently took The Today Show to task for how they handled his interview. Matt Lauer of The Today Show responded to Kanye's complaints, offering the explanation that they always play the clips in question while the guest is talking. At the end of the segment Lauer reiterates that Kanye would be back to perform on Black Friday despite Kanye stating in the meantime that he would not be back.Kanye, however, has different ideas. He once again took to Twitter to express his thoughts, announcing that he won't be performing. Early Friday morning he unleashed a number of tweets explaining the situation, they are collected chronologically below:
"I’m not performing on the Today Show for obvious reasons. I’m so happy the world got to see just a small piece of “the set up”..I blatantly said I’m not performing on a tweet and to everyone around me and the next day they still announced a performance…Do you guys see what I’m saying now… this is just a small slice of the day to day bullshit that goes on that helps to precipitate….. the idea that I such an asshole…. cause when I don’t perform oh noooow I’m the one that’s crazy or a jerk!..If I hadn’t tweeted about how they set me up at the show they would have never played the extra footage that displayed how disrespectful…..I want you guys to look at that footage and start to put everything together now. It’s very simple to call someone angry or spoiled or…the one thousand names I’ve been called but it’s harder to try to take a look at what’s really behind the curtain…I’m so happy that my real fans are not as “basic” as the media makes them out to be..Did you see them try to justify playing the audio….. Did you see them try to justify playing the audio…under my interview. Yo sometimes you’re just wrong and it ain’t nothing you can say to justify it believe me I know! Right now I’m not complaining. I’m tweeting because I’m so happy you guys got to see this shit really go down!!!!! : ))))))!!!! FINALLY!!!…..And I don’t hate Matt Lauer… We don’t promote hate. That’s the whole point!!! I promote love and truth!….. we’re all products or our environments … reflections of our surroundings…You know what ….WE OFF THAT!!!… They made a mistake… they thought they could pull it but they couldn’t! That was just a small…..representation of a bigger media play that’s been going on since the beginning of time…All positive energy … all smiles. Much love to Matt and the whole Today Show. I accept ya’ll future apology in advance LOL! I’m in Dubai BTW… Bout to rip down this Abu Dhabi stage later tonight!!!"
For those who missed Ye's interview on The Today Show, the full video can be watched here.
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